About us of Jobs

Find out about Work

Work is a way of earning money and learning skills.
Everyone has the right to work.
Sometimes work will be unpaid, this is called voluntary work.
Wherever you work you have rights, even if the work is unpaid.

What you should get

  • You should get training in your job.
  • You should have a manager or someone to support you.
  • If it is paid work you should get the minimum wage.
  • You should get time off.
  • You should get a contract.

In your Job

  • You should not have too much work so that you are stressed.
  • You should not get injured or do risky work.
  • You should have set hours to work.
  • You should be kept safe from injury and harm.

You should be Responsible

  • You should try to be on time.
  • You should dress properly for the job.
  • You shouldn't be drunk or hungover. 
  • You should follow safety rules.
  • You should follow the rules of the place you are working.